Monday, September 30, 2019

Analyzing Legal Alien Essay

For many years now people have judged one another based on characteristics and family background. Some judge based on skin color, race, where your family has come from, and how you came about. â€Å"Legal Alien/ Extranjera Legal† by Pat Mora gives a very realistic message of how it can feel to be a mexican american and to be seen as a ‘legal alien’. To feel not wanted by either side, and to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. â€Å"viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different,/ viewed by mexicans as alien. This here, is a perfect example of the way Mora feels about being judged and seen as an alien and her interesting use of diction, metaphors and similes. I think the tone Mora has is one of somebody who feels like an outsider, due to being judge by the people who surround her daily. Moras choice of diction in the first four lines is very interesting and has continued to interest me throughout the poem. Diction is a writer or speakers choice of words. Mora’s diction lets you know a lot about the poems meaning and also about the speaker or the character right away. Mora chooses to tell it back and forth, from one side to another, but mainly from two different points of view. Being seen as an american and also being seen as a mexican. I believe Mora is telling this poem in her own point of view, as if she is the character. Mora starts by off saying â€Å"bi-lingual, bi-cultural† line one. That alone can be interpreted as the speaker or the character is able to speak and understand two languages. It also means she can participate in both of their cultures as well. Mora follows the first line up by enforcing her meaning with â€Å" able to slip from ‘how’s life? to ‘ me’stan volviendo loca. †( this means they’re driving me crazy in spanish. ) Lines two and three. Moras choice of diction here is interesting because she makes it sound like she lives two completely separate lifes as if they could not be mixed together. Mora writes â€Å"able to sit in a paneled office/ drafting memos in smooth english/ able to order in fluent spanish/ at a mexican restaurant† Lines five through seven, really show how she lives both sides and experiences them both separately from one another. It also shows that she fits in and seems as if she really isn’t different from any of the others. In lines eight through ten Mora uses more of her interesting diction. â€Å"american but hyphenated/ viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. † ‘American but hyphenated’ highlights the point that although she is part american, she is still different because she is not a full american. There is more than that though, and thats exactly why she is seen differently from both sides. Either way she is more than that so she is seen different and that is Moras overall message. â€Å"viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. † supports that she is viewed as an outsider from both sides. Mora also uses inferior. Which has a strong meaning to it. Inferior means: lower in rank, status, or quality. Mora uses the word exotic which also sends a very clear message of how she is viewed. Exotic means to originate in or characteristic of a distant foreign country, so her choice of words completely supports her overall message of what it can feel like to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. Mora even uses a very simple but clear simile. â€Å"viewed by mexicans as an alien. † She states that the mexicans, the other half of her ancestors race, also see her as an alien, as an outsider. Different from them because she has american blood to even though the rest of her blood is made up of that of the same as theirs. She still is not the same in there eyes. They refer to her as an alien because they believe that. â€Å"(their eyes say, ‘you may speak/ spanish but you’re not like me’)† lines twelve and thirteen, support the fact that all though she is similar, she is not seen like them. Moras choice of diction is interesting here because she is writing what she knows they want to say but won’t always will but also what some do imply using different words. There eyes make her feel different like an outcast not wanted by anybody. The way they find hers and judge her so quickly, so harshly. Mora again supports that she is viewed as an outsider, a ‘legal alien’ by following that up with lines fourteenth and fifteenth. â€Å"an american to mexicans/ A mexican to americans. † These two lines have a strong meaning, and also supports the way she feels, nobody wanted her. She did not belong to either because they judged her based on the other half of her race. the other half of who she is. When in all reality race should not matter, should not affect one’s judgement. Somebodys race makes them no better nor no worse than the next person. Moras next two lines sixteen and seventeen, have a strong meaning and the use of a metaphor. â€Å"a handy token/ sliding back and forth. † She is referring to herself or her character as a ‘hand token’, which I would assume is a metaphor that symbolizes that she slides back and forth between what feels like two completely different worlds just trying to fit in. To be seen for who she truly is. â€Å"between the fringes of both worlds. † Mora now very matter of factly states that to her or her character those lives are two different worlds completely. It also supports that she does not mix them together very much. In the next line Mora chooses to show an emotion in a way. I believe Mora chooses to wait so long before putting a real emotion into her character so you and I, as the readers could really understand what it is like to be mexican american and judged constantly and in general. â€Å"by smiling† line nineteen. Mora follows up the short but to the point line nineteen, with using very strong diction. â€Å"by masking the discomfort† (line twenty) is a strong phrase alone and already says a lot. ‘Masking discomfort’ means that the speaker or character masks how discomfortable being judged can be. How hard it can be to cope with and that says the speaker or the character is very strong, to hide something like that simply by smiling when it has most likely gone on for years. But also a devastating effect. â€Å"of being pre-judged/ bi-laterally. † line twenty. Mora ends her poem with one, very strong meaningful word. Bi-laterally means by both sides. Mora is saying ‘being pre-judged by both sides’. Both races that make her up as a whole, pre-judging her before they got the chance to know her. People judge one another all the time based off their clothes, and much much more. But to judge somebody due to their race or heritage, things they have no control over, thats not right. Its one thing to judge based on how they project themselves but it is not right to judge based on something out of their control either. I think that Moras choice of diction, metaphors, and similes really support her feelings of being judged and seen as a ‘legal alien’. â€Å"Legal Alien’/Extranjera Legal† gives a very realistic and strong message of how it can feel to be viewed as an alien by the people that surround you and are in your life like the people you work with. Mora’s character knows how it feels to be not wanted nor accepted by either side, and to be judged on the origins of her ancestors and her race. Mora uses strong diction throughout this poem with her interesting choice of how she uses her words. â€Å"perhaps exotic, perhaps inferior, definitely different,† Her choice of diction has a strong effect on the message itself. Moras use of similes is interesting to because she says â€Å"viewed by mexicans as alien†, she very clearly says they compare her to an alien and that as a very great impact to. Mora also uses metaphors in her writing in an interesting way, she refers to herself as ‘a handy token/ sliding back and forth’, to symbolize how it feels to not be accepted and to be judged. Many people could relate to this poem whether they are judged on their race, on their upbringing, on their clothes, and many more factors. Being pre-judged is a major problem in society today and is all around us constantly. Some are not lucky enough to escape it, but are capable of understanding the bigger picture in the message behind this poem.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crime Reporting and Rates Response Essay

What is the purpose of the major crime – reporting programs? What makes a successful crime reporting program in the U.S.? The purpose of major crime – reporting programs is to keep track to see if crime is decreasing or increasing in the various communities. Also to keep track of the heaviest crime stricken areas to determine if police patrol needs to be increased. Also to keep track of which crime is being committed the most in the various communities as well. The most successful crime – reporting program in the U.S. is the UCR (Uniform Crime Report) it includes both crimes reported local law enforcement departments and the number of arrest made by the police agencies. It also compiles records from more than 17,000 police departments serving a majority of the U.S. population. The UCR also collects data on the number and characteristics (age, race, and gender) of individuals who have been arrested for committing a crime. How do crime rates relate to arrest rates and clearance rates? Is there a way to improve the correlation between crime rates arrest rates and clearance rates in the effort to combat criminal activity? Crime rates relate to arrest rates by the UCR and the NIBRS (The National Incident – Base Reporting System. The higher the crime rate the higher the arrest rate is. Greater population areas tend to have higher crime rates, although clearance rates are generally uniform across the nation. To combat criminal activity the police departments can utilize the UCR to most effectively deploy their officers to areas where they are most needed. Clearance rates are the percentage of crimes that have been closed by arrest.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Admission paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Admission paper - Essay Example Furthermore, I believe that one should never cease to learn. Whether it is learning you do through practice or learning one does through prose, a person is and always should be in a state of learning. Without learning one becomes stagnant and it’s neither good for the person himself nor is it good for society. I am a registered nurse since 2002 and have been working in different positions as a nurse from then onwards. I have given services to geriatric and I liked working for the aged individuals because it gave me a sense of achievement when they felt better about their lives. I have also worked as a nurse at a clinic. Moreover I have also worked as nurse treating patients who were on dialysis and as a med-serge nurse. All these experiences helped me learn one thing or the other about patients and their problems. I want to learn more practical approaches through Empire State College. Plus I want to achieve my goal which is to become renal nurse practitioner. I think studying at Empire State College can help me achieve this goal. I have a strong will and positive attitude which help me sail through all the difficulties and pressures that I face as a nurse at times. I have a good experience and I have learnt a lot wherever I have worked. I am a striver and being passionate about nursing helps me be a better nurse. Which is why, I want to learn what Empire State College has to offer me in order to do my job in a better way. I would like to use this opportunity of entrance in Empire State College to groom myself and to be able to become renal nurse practitioner, so that I can help those who are suffering and whom I can help in my capacity as a nurse. I want to use the healing power that I have as a nurse in an effective

Friday, September 27, 2019

Childcare Level 3- The questions are listed in the instructions box Coursework - 1

Childcare Level 3- The questions are listed in the instructions box - Coursework Example I will also assist them to acquire language skills in the course (Kate, 2008). In the event of handling learners in childcare, the challenge of local accents prevails since it affects their fluency in grammar. For instance, when a learner with a heavy accent raises a question, there might be grammar errors. In this case, fellow students might make fun of him or her, but it is my duty to shun that behavior and assist the learner to correct the mistake to the expected standard. This will steer more class participation and contribution during discussion hence learners will practice proper grammar and eventually emerge fluent. I would also employ illustrations by choosing one student to read from the blackboard and have the rest of the class repeat after him or her until they achieve a perfect pronunciation of the words and phrases assigned. This will no doubt put into effect positive self images (The Cleveland Clinic Foundation et al, 2009). In the learning environment, learners are usually affected by different misconceptions and errors in understanding concepts and principles of a particular field of study. The learner’s common misconceptions about capitalization features much where the sentence begins on the same line as the previous sentence. Most students are confused since the first example in capitalization the sentence started in the beginning of the line in their single ruled exercise books. The misconception is that capitalization should only be done in the beginning of a line. The solution to this misconception is to emphasize the concept of capitalization in the beginning of every new sentence (Nancy,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nature vs. Nurture - Essay Example s relating to the surfacing and control of behavior, but neither side sufficiently explains many of the more complicated behavior seen in the myriad of diverse species present on this earth, including humans. (Long, 2003, p. 29) Many behaviors have strong learning components, and others seen not at all influenced by experiential factors. The recent view in developmental biology suggests that the emergence of simple and complex behaviors is a result of interplay between gene expression, pre- and post-birth development, and environmental influences, including, but not limited to, sensory experience (Long, 2003, p 31) Although the beginning of life takes place in the womb, once the child begins to breath on his or her own (some would say even before), the dance between nurture and nature begins to take place. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory clearly explains the connection and relationship among living things and the environment they experience. He sates that personality and change are proximal interrelated processes, â€Å"These are reciprocal interactions between an ‘active, evolving, biopsychological human organism and the persons, object, and symbols in its immediate external environment’† (Broderick & Blewitt, 2006, p. 14). His model illustrates how social influences impacts human survival and one’s ability to thrive and reproduce. Human development is inseparable from the environmental contexts in which a child develops. His study illustrates how the four levels of environmental influence (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem macrosystem ) impacts the full range of human development including mentally, psychologically, emotionally as well as socially. (Vander Zandan, 2000, p. 181-183). However, knowledge that is displayed at birth is most likely to be innate. Most mammalian infants have instinctive behaviors to seek out warmth, and sustenance. A human infant will be able to imitate expressions, such as a smile or sticking out their tongue in mirror

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The orgins of stunt performance in theater Research Paper

The orgins of stunt performance in theater - Research Paper Example There were no thoughts about stunt performance in the early film industry. If anything demanding needed to be done in the film, producers used to hire desperate or crazy fellows to perform these actions. The first known professional stuntmen were buster Keaton and Keystone Kops. They learnt this through trial and error, and slowly perfected. All stunts action in films was real; no faking of actions took place. In most cases, early stuntmen were comedians and spent most of their time entertaining their audience in theatres (Claudia 56). In the beginning of the 20th century, audience’s interest in serial movies rose. The demand called for evolution of more risky stunt; film producers doubled their actions and made their scenes more dangerous. The rise of the American in 1910 was also a factor that led to growth stunt people and movie stars. Yakima Canutt and tom Mix were among the most famous stuntmen in this period (History of theatres nd. In 1970s, this was the beginning of technological advancements. It was a period that air bags, bullet squibs, and air rams developed. The evolution has continued up to date for computer has come to reduce the risk involved in these arts (History of theatres n.d). Although computers can develop graphics like the above, they can never by as real as what was produced before their evolution. The above graphic is a real illustration of a man hanging with a wire (Lambert 67). The first theatre recorded in reference to world’s records was introduced by the Romans. They had copied this philosophy from the Ancient Greek. The constructed semi circular structures using wood, but were later reconstructed using stones. They had a raised stage with seats surrounding it. They were built in the open air, inside big halls, or barns. Elizabethan theatres in London borrowed ideas from this knowledge. An ideal example is the Globe theatre in London (History of theatres n.d). One of the most common stunt effects is stage combat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about Term Paper

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about the firm and its product - Term Paper Example Apple Inc This paper chooses Apple Inc for the study of consumer’s perception about goods, because Apple Inc has emerged to be one of the most successful and powerful brands around the world. It is an American based multinational company that designs and produces computers, peripherals, digital players, phones and software etc with greater emphasis on innovation and technology, and markets them through own-retail outlets, online stores and third party sellers (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81). Apple Inc always thrived on innovation (Kerin, Hartley and Berkowitz, 2005, p. 395) especially through on-going product and brand differentiation. The relentless efforts of Apple to focus on ease of use, simplicity, utility, efficiency and fun has helped the company make its new variants of products such as iPhone, iPhone-3G, iPhone- 4-G etc to be very different species than that of its competitors (Newsweek, 2007). Consumers of Apple products expect unique values and technology advantag es from Apple’s computers as well as its digital players and phones. The company is very particular about the value propositions and almost all of its efforts including R&D are meant to satisfy consumers’ expectation of values and innovation. ... l different factors that may impact the perception, the real experiences of consumers after using or buying a product brings the true perception in their minds. Miller, Miller and Miller (2007, p. 16) described that a consumer’s perception about a company or its offerings is based on their past experiences with the company or its offerings, companies that offer similar products or services, and information they have got from friends, family and colleagues. Consumers almost always compare the values, benefits and general features of two or more similar products and services and this comparison in turn form perception in their minds. It is thus closely related to brand positioning and brand image. Consumers’ perception about Apple and its products Though there are discussions regarding Apple’s brand image and consumers’ perception before and after the resignation of its founder Steve Jobs (Hughes, 2011), one thing remained constant that Apple is well known f or its technology. Until 1990s, Apple was costing on borrowed technology, but Steve Jobs realized that a company cannot stay long on ‘technology leader’ strategy without becoming a technology creator. After 1997, Apple made four segmentations of its products and innovated in the way it produced and marketed its products (Betz, 2002, p. 194- 195). As Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland (2008,p. 133) noted, Apple’s market effort was to develop computers and other offerings that are highly differentiated with help of latest technology. The product differentiation strategy that has implemented has thus created a unique history of its own through very distinctive products ever-available in the market such as iMac, iBook, iTune, iLife, iMusic, iPad, iPod, iPhone and so on. The company approached its market and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Incorrect causation from correlation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Incorrect causation from correlation - Essay Example There are numerous instances when the author incorrectly infers causation from correlation. The author’s intention is to sway the readers’ minds to believe that the wind energy is for the people’s benefit. When a random survey is done, it is evident that the wind energy project will receive greater support from people in different states in the United States. For example, some farmers from Ottawa Valley Farm Show have disapproved the move of putting up wind turbines (Koch, 2014). Many leaders have come up with issues that demand a halt for the project because of the issues behind it. Many people believe that it is a good idea but it still needs to be acceptable by everyone. Some have approved the project; others have remained neutral regarding the matter (Koch, 2014). The position of many people is never clear because they feel the project must enhance correlation with the citizens from specific states. Finally, the author of the article believes that wind energy is worthwhile and should be initiated in all the states. Nonetheless, the individuals from the states demand that a consensus be reached prior to initiating the program. Koch, W. (2014, April 14). U.S. wind industry slammed by tax uncertainity, fracking. USA TODAY. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from

Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Should Medicine Do When It Cant Save Your Life Essay

What Should Medicine Do When It Cant Save Your Life - Essay Example Atul Gawande sees hospice as a morphine drip. It serves as a way to minimize the terminally ill patient’s anxiety on death and provides the family with opportunities to accept and seize every important moment that can make it easier for the patient and family to accept the natural course of faith resulting from the disease. I do believe that hospice care has relatively high importance with the families of patients suffering from terminal illnesses, not only that it addresses the sufferings that are bound to be experienced by the patient but also some observations indicate that hospice care prolongs the survivability. Creed refers to patients that are in a situation in their life wherein they have already understood that they have a have a fatal illness however they do not fully consider it as a condition which will end up in their demise. There are various approaches, some of which may not be applicable to other patients. This is primarily due the differences in the character of each individual. However, Dr Creed is able to effective apply this approach to patients. Instead of explicitly conveying a notion of being sorry for the condition of the patient, Creed says to her patients that she there to make their life better and that they have a lot of time to waste, given such condition. Dr Block focuses more on helping the patients identify what is most important to them and provide them with information and advice on the best approach that could help them address the salient activities that would the most impact on those important matters that the patient pointed out.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fossils Nurse Essay Example for Free

Fossils Nurse Essay A fossil is the prehistoric remains of a plant or an animal. Fossils are usually are kept at their best when they are buried under many layers of sand and mud. Under the great pressure from the ground, the sand and the mud become sedimentary rock. The minerals combine forming a mould of the plant or animal under the ground. A fossil can be a trace fossil or a body fossil. A body fossil is what actual organic material from a creature or plant (like a bone). Trace fossils are signs of plants and animal activity that have been preserved in rock. For example, dinosaur tracks, trails and dung are all trace fossils. A body fossil is usually composed of bones of an animal. Preservation of the â€Å"soft† tissue of a body is rare especially over long periods of time. Most body fossils are made when an animal dies and falls, or is washed into a steam, and is covered with mud. In a few cases, though, fossils have been preserved by freezing (as with mammoths in Siberia and Alaska) or when the animals have become stuck and died in a tar pit (such as the famous La Brea tar pit near Los Angeles, California). Sometimes a fossil is the result of a volcanic eruption. Ash and mud from the volcano can cover animals and plants killing them at the same time. Geology is the study of the Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. It is also the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet. An important part of geology is the study of how Earths materials, structures, processes and organisms have changed over time. Fossils are linked to geology because, it is the study on how the world has build up over the years and fossils are animals and plants from over the years. They have changed over time because they have become smaller and form in different ways like freezing and volcanic eruptions. Over the years fossils have told us about life forms we had no idea about and is proved with the fossils or bones we have today in museums. This is how fossils are linked to geology.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Social Constructs of Gender and Sexuality

Social Constructs of Gender and Sexuality Sexism- Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. Many people are still faced with the absence of equality solely because they are a woman. Sexism is used as a way to keep women submissive in our patriarchal driven society. The three methods that are used to ensure the predominance of submissive attitudes in women are homophobia, violence, and economics. These acts further emphasize the importance of feminism in The United States. Sexism is enforced through traditional gender roles, or how people are perceived through the eyes of society. For example, Linda is a woman, so therefore she must dress appropriately and stay home and care for her children. People oftentimes forget that we are not born with gender as a genetic trait; it is in how one chooses to present themselves. Gender is so much the routine ground for everyday activities that for many people, questioning its taken-for-granted assumptions and presuppositions is like thinking about whether the sun will come up (Lorber 13). West and Zimmermans concept of doing gender suggests that women and men are to continuously act out membership in their appropriate gender category. They are expected to submit to traditional gender roles and to do gender in ways that are constructed by society as natural (Murphy 210). Gender is oftentimes misinterpreted by the members of society. It is skewed in a way that is to mean gender is strictly related to sex. Both women and men are expected to act according to traditional norms, and when they deviate from those norms, they are subject to scrutiny by other members of society (Lorber and Farrell 210). The vast majority women would more than likely rather avoid the negative judgment by society and remain within the realms of normative behavior. Gender is considered to be a socially constructed status in The United States. Society tends to overlook the concept of gender because it is so ascribed into our daily lives that it takes a severe disruption to notice. Judith Lorber says, Gender signs and signals are so ubiquitous that we usually fail to note them- unless they are missing or ambiguous (112). Gender is looked upon as an issue of black and white, man and woman, provider and supporter. It is related to our roles of normality in our society. Gender tends to be stratified in that men are the privileged and women the unprivileged. To be a man is to have a crown, and to be a woman is to make it. We are conditioned at an early age that girls and boys are to look and act differently. Fathers teach their sons sports and how to be tough, and mothers teach their daughters how to bake and act like a lady. According to societys standards of what is right and what is wrong, many individuals whom fall under the stereotype of how lesbians/gays appear as are scrutinized on a daily basis. An individual is subject to assessment by others on how well and appropriately one displays his or her gender category (Lorber and Farrell 210). When picturing a heterosexual woman, what do you see? Maybe it is a slender woman, who appears fragile or weak, dresses in a feminine manner, and is maybe not as intellectual as most men? When picturing a homosexual woman, what do you see? It could be a woman with short, spiked hair that chooses to dress in clothes that are traditionally made for men; and is larger than most straight women? In reality, all women, regardless of their sexual orientation are the same; in that, the most feminine women could prefer women and the most masculine women could prefer men. It is sad to say that women keep their sexual identity to themselves and feel forced to present them ho wever they feel society wants them to appear. From day one, males are conditioned to be masculine and it is the source of oppression not only for women, but to some men as well. Men are each others biggest opponents; looking down upon one another for encompassing any aspect of femininity, stemming into homophobia. Therefore, homosexual men are frowned upon in much of the same context as lesbians. Heterosexism prevails once again in labeling these males as sissies and wimps because they do not necessarily embody the same traditional male mentality as many heterosexual males do. Men view this as a threat because they assume that gay men are working against everything straight men have worked for, in terms of dominance and respect, in societal institutions. If any facet of weakness, or femininity, is observed they are automatically insulted and ranked lower on societys stratification status. Sociology Professor, Michael Kimmel explains how oppression starts here: men against men, weaker men against stronger women, and eventually wo men against women (184). Our system of patriarchy strives on power. Homophobia is used as a means to reinforce patriarchy. The word homophobia was unknown to me until the late 1970s, and when I first heard it, I was struck by how difficult it is to say, what an ugly word it is, equally as ugly as its meaning. Like racism and anti-Semitism, it is a word that calls up images of loss of freedom, verbal and physical violence, death (Pharr 1). Homophobia, as defined by Suzanne Pharr, is the irrational fear and hatred of those who love and sexually desire those of the same sex (1). Homosexual women all over the country have struggled with gaining respect and equality from many men, and in some cases, women. Megan Murphy from the University of Albany conducted a survey on heterosexual females attitudes toward openly lesbian students on the same college campus (212). Her findings dictate that the majority of the subjects would exclude said lesbians because they do not want other people to get the wrong idea in regards to their own sexual preference (215). Other findings show that some of the students surveyed would only tolerate their existence, but not support it (216). Sorority and Fraternity parties on college campus are examples of gendered erotic markets, places where women and men are required to act in sexually traditional manner. These markets discriminate against homosexual women because they are expected to act in the same way as the other women present, but obviously will not due to their sexual preference. Women have been conditioned to be homophobic towards other women from the norms set forth by society. The term lesbian oftentimes frightens heterosexual women away from being associated with feminism and womens liberation. Being a lesbian and being a man-hater are used interchangeably to describe the women whom participate in feminist activism. Both are used to identify the womens movement and continue to give feminists everywhere a bad reputation. Sexism prevails in this aspect on the basis that many women who believe in equal rights and reform are forced by societys view of traditional gender roles and male dominance to stray away from the subject. Thus, they conform to said gender roles and live life by other women whom succumb to societal pressures. A graduate student from Northern Illinois University, Wayne Wilkinson, conducted a survey of 269 self-proclaimed heterosexual females ranging from 18-20 years of age at a University in the Midwestern United States. Waynes hypothesis was that heterosexual womens attitudes against lesbians facilitate the patriarchal system dominated by males. Further investigation leads him to confirm that of those surveyed, the conservatives tend believe in traditional gender roles in order to define what is considered natural for females and males alike (141). Those whom identify themselves as conservative generally believe in tradition and womens role within the household, whereas those who identify themselves as liberal tend to welcome change more easily. The central focus of the rightwing attack against womens liberation is that womens equality, womens self-determination, womens control of our own bodies and lives will damage what they see as the crucial societal institution, the nuclear family (P harr 17). Nuclear family- a social unit composed of a father, mother, and their children. Fearing anyone whom identifies with a sexual orientation other than heterosexuality, is a way to keep women in line under male power. Lesbians are then considered double victims, of both sexism and homophobia. This is due to misogyny and the patriarchal system induced by men and some heterosexual women who encourage it. Homophobia tends to mirror heterosexism. They work together to enforce the notion that everyone must be straight. Those who are not straight must face the consequences by said individuals. Heterosexism- the belief that since person A is heterosexual, person B must be too. The display of anti-gay attitudes in societal institutions is almost synonymous with homophobia in that they both enforce assumptions that the world and all of its components must remain in a heterosexual state; in that, anything outside of the traditional nuclear family is looked down upon. The nuclear family remains a dominant example of societys heterosexism and patriarchal structure; it signifies traditional gender roles. Any woman seen to be stepping outside of that role, whether it be providing for herself, not having children, demanding equal pay, and obtaining assertion in any situation that attempts to skew them away from what they believe in, risks being called a lesbian. In the past, people did not know how to handle the fact that people can love others of the same sex. Suzanne Pharr explains how there have been two main theories created in attempt to make sense of their way of life. My exploration of the sickness theory led me to understand that homosexuality is simply a matter of sexual identity, which along with heterosexual identity, is formed in ways that no one conclusively understands (Pharr 2). Since many heterosexual individuals cannot relate to homosexual men and women on the basis of love and romantic relationships, it is viewed as taboo. The American Psychological Association has said that it is no more abnormal to be homosexual than it is to be left handed (Pharr 2). [Being homosexual] is simply that a certain percentage of the population is (Pharr 2). Many heterosexual people, men and women, do not realize that it is not a matter of sickness or health. What is unhealthy is homophobia- that societal disease that places such negative mess ages, condemnation, arid violence on gay men and lesbians that we have to struggle throughout our lives for self-esteem (Pharr 2). It is simply a way they choose to live their lives, and it is unfortunate that just because it is not exactly as those whom are heterosexual, they have to be labeled with such negative connotations. Dawn Szymanski hypothesized that internalized heterosexism would negatively correlate to feminist attitudes. The research and study of over 200 self-proclaimed lesbians and/or bisexual women shows that the more heterosexist attitudes a woman holds, the less likely she is to positively relate to feminism (156). The consequences of heterosexism have been shown to cause stress, depression, and other psychological related disorders in women. Szymanski states, Internalized heterosexism is related to a variety of psychological difficulties, such as depression, a lack of social support and low self-esteem in lesbians and bisexual women (146). Homosexual men and women experience heterosexism differently; this could be due to the presence of sexism and traditional gender role socialization. The second theory often times used to explain homosexuality is The Sin Theory. This is often used by religious people backing up their beliefs through Biblical texts. It is interesting that said individuals refer to The Bible on this matter because it is impossible to prove the validity of the texts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the fact is that the word homosexual does not occur anywhere in the Bible. No extant text, no manuscript, neither Hebrew nor Greek, Syriac, nor Aramaic, contains the word. The terms homosexual and heterosexual were not developed in any language until the 1890s, when for the first time the awareness developed that there are people with a lifelong, constitutional orientation toward their own sex. Therefore the use of the word homosexuality by certain English Bible translators is an example of the extreme bias that endangers the human and civil rights of homosexual persons (Mollenkott 383-4 Pharr 3). If their higher being(s) are described as respectful, all-welcoming, and fo rgiving, how is it that these homosexual individuals are not treated as justly as everyone else? The marriage laws in The United States stands as an example of how heterosexism rules much of society. Many people use the Bible to state their beliefs in what marriage truly means, and feel it is meant to be a union between a man and woman. It has been argued that because two people of the same sex cannot physically reproduce a child, it is unnatural. Gay marriage has been illegal in The U.S. for a long time; it was not until recently that a few states legalized the matter. The first six states to legalize gay and lesbian marriage were Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, New York, as well as The District of Columbia. It was not until the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama that three more states were added to the list: Maine, Maryland, and Washington. Traditional gender roles and religious bias prevail once again, excluding certain individuals from enjoying the freedom that they deserve. The second component of sexism is violence. Violence is used as a means to keep women submissive and obedient. Men use violence when they feel threatened by a womans actions whenever she stands up for herself or attempts to move onward with her life. Violence is used against women in both physical and emotional means. Work in the womens anti-violence movement during almost two decades has provided significant evidence that each of these acts, including rape and incest, is an attempt to seek power over and control of another person (Pharr 13). Women who have suffered through any violence from a male have been belittled to be viewed as something of ownership, or an object. Resorting to name-calling and pulling on emotions can be the biggest obstacle a woman will go through, even more so than physical violence. Men who refer to women in such a way is attempting to prove that she needs him in her life, or that she will be useless without him. When a male abuser calls a woman a lesbian, he is not so much labeling her a woman who loves women as he is warning her that by resisting him, she is choosing to be outside societys protection from male institutions and therefore from wide-ranging, unspecified, ever-present violence (Pharr 15). Maybe what the abuser in this type of situation is most afraid of is losing his control over her, what he feels he has a natural right to do as a man in todays society. As Suzanne Pharr put it, the concern is not affectional/sexual identity: the concern is disloyalty and the threat is violence (15). Many feminists agree that economics is the main effect of sexism. Pharr exerts the theory by stating, Men profit not only from womens unpaid work in the home but from our underpaid work within a horizontal female segregation such as clerical works or upwardly mobile tokenism in the workplace where a few affirmative action promotions are expected to take care of all womens economic equality needs (10). Alongside of affirmative action is the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is a way for supervisors to lure women in to their company, stating that there are many ways for advancement and pay raises, but never allow them to enjoy those benefits. The glass ceiling allows the woman-worker to see the proposed benefits, but prevents them from actually obtaining them while their male counterparts reap the rewards. Women are then forced to be dependent on men for economic security, maintaining male domination and put limitations on the options women have for being self-sufficient and determined to advance in society. Social institutions are at the core of oppression and inequality. Oppression can be accomplished through racism, sexism, classism, ageism, and even how one identifies their sexuality. Women are denied positions of power because it is considered stepping out of the gender role mentality and men, who are usually in charge of said institutions, are petrified of it. For years women have been ranked in society based on their race, class, and age. Caucasian women go through a form of oppression, but it is different from those whom are African American and vice versa; this does not mean equality cannot be the same for all. It was not until the end of the second wave of feminism that women of all races and religions were brought in to the picture. It is unfortunate that women of every sexual orientation are still not respected by all women. We are in the midst of the third wave of feminism; it is our goal to turn this mentality of inequality for lesbians and bisexual women around. Homophobia is used time and time again as a weapon of sexism on the basis of economics, violence, and patriarchy. Our socially stratified society continuously enables men to claim opportunities of importance and women what is left. Any woman who turns away from the traditional gender roles created by men and upheld by society as a whole, is looked down upon and faces the risk of being abused physically and/or mentally. Heterosexual women can identify with lesbians on a personal level, but some choose not to openly do so because of the patriarchal society we live in. These acts only emphasize a mans need to be the sole provider and leave women succumbing to the pressures these males harbor them with. Feminism is an important concept that all women in this country should endure. It gives heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual women alike a sense of community and strength that they cannot find out in the world we are faced with. Liberal feminism allows individuals to open their eyes wide enough to see past the oppression and discrimination the erotic markets create for them. If one cannot physically overthrow the system, one must learn to work within it. Just because a woman speaks her mind does not mean that she is a radical feminist. Just because a woman stands for what she believes in does not mean she hates men. Just because a woman is successful and independent does not mean she is a threat to society. Feminism is oftentimes overlooked by many women and the mockery of many men; it is seen as abrasive and nonsensical. Homosexuality is not a mental disorder nor does it need the approval of any biblical reference. What is considered right in the eyes of society cannot be justified on the basis of opinion; what are justifiable are facts. It is a fact that women are capable of doing things on their own. It is a fact that women can obtain a higher degree of education than men. It is a fact that women can be happy regardless of their sexual orientation. Some men feel threatened any time a woman is assertive and independent. It hampers the testosterone driven society and its norms. It gives some women a reason to move forward and others a reason to move back. Sexism is used to keep women apart, keep their voices lowered and their opinions dismissed. Until women of all races, sexual preferences, classes, and religions can work together to cut the root of sexism, it will continue to grow.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cyber-Communism: The New Threat in the New Millennium :: social issues

Cyber-Communism: The New Threat in the New Millennium My expedition into cyber-communism began when I read Brock Meeks' "Hackers Stumble Toward Legitimacy"[1]. The article addressed a recent hackers' convention. Interestingly, the keynote speaker was Eric Boucher[2] (alias Jello Biafra[3]), a rock star with no technical background. Numerous questions ensue. Who is Eric Boucher (alias Jello Biafra)? What does he believe? More importantly, why schedule someone with no technical background to speak at a hackers' convention? Addressing his beliefs, his proposed Green Party platform[4] is not inconsistent with the "Manifesto of Libertarian Communism"[5]. This answer produces a more troubling question. Was his speech against corporate America mere socialist babbling or was his speech part of something more sinister, a subversive cyber-communist movement? I am not the first to see possible communist subversion of the digerati[6]. Corey Winesett's "Are Linux Users Really Communists?"[7] questions the nature of the relationship, if any, between open source and communism. Scott Billings' "Heresy and Communism"[8] ponders that the Linux community's knee-jerk reaction to negative opinions about Linux could be the result of being "under the [communists'] spell." Before I can evaluate cyber-communism's merits, I must define communism's true nature and communism's real threat to America. Communism Revisited Theoretical communism and practical communism have long been held as different political sociologies. Despite Marx's call for the working class to revolt, the communist revolution's leaders always ascend from the intelligentsia. John Stormer's "None Dare Call It Treason" supports this fact saying: "Fidel Castro was a product, not of the cane fields of Cuba, but of the halls of Havana University." "Joseph Stalin was not a simple peasant rebelling at the oppression of the Czar. He became a communist while studying for the priesthood in a Russian Orthodox seminary." "The membership of the first Communist spy ring uncovered in the U.S. Government was not spawned in the sweat shops of New York's lower east side or the tenant farms of the South. [The conspirators] came to high government posts from Harvard Law School." Communism's fallacy is the belief in everyone's benevolence; yet, human nature proves otherwise. Communism cannot create a perfect society with imperfect people. Hence, to direct Utopia, communism produces a totalitarian government over the less-perfect people, ruled by the perfect people - communists. Thus, communism's true nature creates a controlling government in the name of a better world. Not every supporter needs be a knowing conspirator.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Identifying Areas of Weakness in Thorntons :: Business Management, Case Study

In Thornton’s, there are areas of weakness that need to be reconciled in training and development, nothing is perfect is in business, but Thornton’s must strive to try and establish the weaknesses in their methods and develop new and more effective plans and systems for the way they function. An example of this would be that some employees use the company for qualifications such as in the Administration department, training is used or use of I.T and qualifications are given out when staff complete training or in the manufacturing department where training is given in Health and Safety and packaging skills are trained. Employees may stay in the company until they are trained in whatever qualification and skills they need and then could leave the company, deserting the workforce and causing the company to loose money on recruiting and selecting new employees and then more costs on the training and developing of these new staff. A suggestion to improve this weakness is to wait for employees to be at the company for a certain period of time before training them up, although this may be difficult at the start of the process as the business needs employees with the correct skills, in the long run this could be an advantage as once employees are trained, the company will probably retain them as if they have been at the company for a certain period of time, they will probably stick to it resulting in the retention of staff. To compensate for poorly trained staff at the beginning of the process. Agencies could be used to employ temporary staff, although this would be expensive, it would result in being cheaper than employees leaving and costs on recruiting and training new employees. Another suggestion to this situation would be only using in house training and promotion as if staff have worked at the company for a certain period of time, they will probably be staying at the company in the long run, this could also help with staff motivation and incentives for staff to work hard if they see a promotion in their midst. Another area of weakness in Thortons is that the business only trains staff in one particular part of their job, not all the skills that are needed in all of the departments. Although this would probably be costly and would take time it would be effective as if staff were absent, it would be easier for their jobs to be covered by other staff, as they would be qualified in all aspects of the business.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

in What Ways Did The Nazis Try To Eliminate All Jews I Europe In The Years Of 1941 Onwards?

When the Nazi Party came to power in Germany in January 1933, it began a racial attack on the German Jews. The treatment of the Jews became rapidly worse between 1933 and 1939. Jews had been treated badly in Germany and Europe for hundreds of years. They had been attacked and were treated differently to everyone else. When Hitler started his attack on the Jews it was nothing new, which meant that no one would ever have guessed what was coming next for the Jewish community. In this short essay I will decide what forms of prosecution the Nazis used? And what effects all this had upon the Jews between 1933 and 1939. Hitler wrote an autobiography called ‘Mein Kampf'(my struggle). He wrote about his hatred for the Jews and how much he hated the Government and Jewish polititions for signing the Treaty of Versailles. He thought Germany was being victimized by the treaty. Hitler had very anti-Semitic feelings and plans for the future. Hitler wanted a master race of pure German. In January 1933 Hitler's party came to power. This is where he launched his slow attack on the Jews. He started his campaign on marginalizing the Jews. He did this by random violent attacks of Jews by the SA, e.g the smash Jewish property such as businesses. The Germans hated the Jews because the Jews got all the best jobs such as doctors and lawyers. It gradually got worse. On the 1st April 1933 there was a boycott of Jewish businesses for 1 day. On the 7th April the Jews were banned from some jobs. This was only the start of Hitlers plan for the Jews. The worst was yet to come. From 1933-35 Hitler used propaganda against the Jews. Hitler gave huge public speeches on how much he hated the Jews and what he had planned for them in the future. Hitler portrayed the Jews as ugly, evil money grabbing selfish individuals. He treated them as if they weren't living people but animals or dirt. He didn't just use speeches as his source of getting the word around. He used newspapers, magazines and even school text books! In 1935 two new laws pushed anti Semitism to greater heights (The nuremburg laws). The laws barred Jews from being German citizens and non Jews marrying Jews. By doing this Hitler could start on having a pure race and scrap Jews from German society. Then came The Olympic Games in 1936. Hitler didn't want the other countries to see the height of the anti-Semitism so kept low for a while. He also didn't want countries to boycott the games. Once the games were over Hitler got back to his plans. Over four thousand businesses were confiscated off Jewish business men in 1938. On the 9th November 1938 a man named Dr.Goebbels told the party leader that there had been anti-Jewish rioting. The Fuhrer had decided that such actions were not to be carried out by the parties. The Reich Propaganda Director said that they were not to be seen in public. Jewish school students took a huge hit after the Kristall nacht. The all got expelled from there school. From here on a lot of things were changed in schools. All old text books were scrapped and new anti-Semitism versions were distributed. In the books it described the Jew's as nasty beings. It was all taught as if it was a scientific truth. My conclusion shows that the treatment of the Jews grew beyond marginalization, and further than ever thought by me. The acts of violence were taken too far by the Germans by 1939.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drunk Driving Essay

Don’t you want to make sure your life is as safe as possible without the convicted reckless driving criminals on the road? People convicted of drunk driving should be imprisoned on the first offense to ensure this safety of others. These people are a danger to our society, and drunk drivers need to be stopped. Imprisoning the intoxicated driver on the first offense would lower the deaths and injuries of the innocent people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Drunk Driving is called DWI or DUI, â€Å"Driving While Intoxicated† or â€Å"Driving under the Influence†. The crime of drunk driving is usually a misdemeanor, but depending on the number of prior drunk driving convictions someone may have, it can also be a felony. Drinking and then driving have resulted in thousands of road accidents, injuries and deaths. A mandatory jail sentence for convicted offenders would cause people to seriously consider the bottom line of drinking and driving. T aking a serious civil approach to the offense would cause friends and family to view drinking and driving as completely offensive. It would add a risk of job loss, public humiliation and jail time to the risks of injury, and death. It is well known that drinking affects an individual’s way of thinking and doing things. When drunk, it is almost impossible to conduct duties in a normal way compared to when one is not drunk. Evidence shows that a number of road accidents are caused by careless drivers who drive when drunk. Although the cause of the accident may not be the fault of the drunk driver, the situation worsens because the drunk driver does not manage to control the motion of the vehicle (Walters, 2009). To ensure that the society lives in an environment that is healthy towards accidents, drunk drivers should go to prison when found guilty (Rebik, 2010). People who drive intoxicated most likely have done it before and will do it again. Out of the 900,000 people arrested each year that are convicted of a DUI, one third of them were repeated offenders (Fell, 2004). An average of people who drink and drive have done it eighty times before their first arrest, and some even more (â€Å"Morbidity and Mortality†). Since one arrest occurs in every 772 drunk driving incidents, many think they a re just lucky because they haven’t gotten caught yet (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2002). Even though drunk drivers might not get caught by the law, they’ll most likely suffer injury or death by making the bad decision of drinking  and driving because one in three people will be in a crash caused by a drunk driver in their lifetime (NTSA, 2001). If they were imprisoned on their first offense, there would be no recurring offenders around to make the same mistake over and over again. It would deter many from drunk driving and discourage many from committing this crime. Imprisoning them would also remove them from the streets so they are doing the same thing and hurting others. Drunk drivers are most likely to commit the crime again, so they deserve to be imprisoned on their first offense to ensure the protection and save lives of others, especially children’s. Most kids don’t have the choice to not ride with the driver because it is usually an adult or parent driving. That’s unfair to put the kid’s lives in danger. Many children are affe cted by people drinking and driving. Seventeen percent of traffic deaths with children involved an alcohol impaired driver and 61% of those children were riding with them (Macgregor & Collins, 2011). Nobody should have to go through the pain of losing a child, especially under the circumstances of a drunk driving accident. The convicted drunk drivers being put away would relieve parents so they wouldn’t have to worry as much about drunk drivers adding a risk to their kid’s lives. The death and injury rate would also decrease dramatically and save lives of many innocent children who have been put in that terrible situation. Drunk driving is a direct result of bad decisions and not an â€Å"accident.† It is completely preventable. If the punishment was harsher than just having a license suspension and treatment classes, more people would think more about what they are actually doing. Drunk drivers being imprisoned would have to live with the humiliation and disappointment for being in jail because of making a careless mistake. People would feel worse and think twice because driving drunk makes them a criminal. They would then realize there would be more at stake since drunk driving is a crime and is the most frequently committed offense in America (â€Å"The High Cost†, 2012). Drunk drivers being imprisoned on their first offense would reduce the amount of injury, death, and damage to others. If people were imprisoned on their first drunk driving offense, it would make people more hesitant about making that careless decision. Evidence suggests that most road accidents are caused by drunk drivers who lose control when driving. Drivers who cause accidents regret on the actions and plead that they will not repeat their actions. In the first place, drivers know that  driving while drunk is offense and may cause an accident. This is a clear indication that they willingly break the law already knowing the consequence they may get. (Richardson & Thompson, 2008). To ensure that the society lives in an environment that is healthy towards accidents, drunk drivers should go to prison when found guilty, (Rebik, 2010). It might look injustice to imprison a driver when caught in the first time, but the reality is that imprisonment helps drivers reform. This reduces the occurrence of accidents that kill innocent people. There should be no mercy when charging criminals simply because they commit their offense in an ignorance manner (Richardson & Thompson, 2008). Protecting law is an important thing that most people ignore but find themselves in a fixed when law is against them. Unless drivers are imprisoned for the offense they commit, cases of accidents caused by drunk drivers won’t reduce. It is clear that they will increase causing more deaths and destruction of properties (Walters, 2009). Driving when drunk is dangerous to human life as well as the environment at large. Drivers who may drive drunk, argue that they have the right to drink and or consume alcohol. Although each and every person has the freedom to do what he wants, it should also be considered that the actions should not violate rights of other people or be harmful to anyone and anything around you. No one is prohibited drinking provided he, or she has turned the age of 21. Law prohibits driving when drunk because it may cause an accident killing people who are innocent. To avoid situations like this, it is advisable to imprison drivers who drive under the influence. Some may argue that they have control of their drinking habits, but to some point alcohol affects the response of the human body. It affects the control ability that is important when driving thus drunk drivers may lose their control and cause accidents (Durkin et al., (2008). It is argued that humans are to error and that they are subjected to mistakes. If the argument is based on that, drivers argue that imprisonment should not be done when the offense is made on the first situation. They say that forgiveness should work and warning given to those who commit offense in their first situation. Supporters of drinking and driving argue that they know their drinking habits and have drinking limits. This is not a justification as to why drivers should drink and drive. It should be remembered th at when a driver starts driving, he should take care of the lives he carries by ways of  driving in a careful manner (Richardson & Thompson, 2008). All people have equal opportunity when it comes to life and drunk drivers should not ruin that for anyone. Drunk driving is completely preventable if you imprison first offenders to catch other people’s attention. Imprisonment is the best form of prevention and rehabilitation for any sort of act involving drinking and driving; it’d make people realize their mistakes. Imprisoning people on the first offense for drunk driving would ensure the safety of others and to save the lives of many people because in most cases, drunk drivers are predicted to drive drunk again. Citations Drunk Driving Statistics. (2008). Retrieved from,, on October 30, 2012 Durkin, Keith F.; Wolfe, Scott E.; May, Ross W. (2008). Social Bond Theory and Drunk Driving in a Sample of College Students. College Student Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3.Lankford, Ronnie. â€Å"Eliminating Drunk Driving Creates Repressive Laws.† Opposing Viewpoints Research Center. (2007)Gale. Gateway Community College Lib. Retrieved from,, on October 30, 2012 Rebik, D. (2010). Drunk Drivers Who Kill Could Face Longer Jail Sentences. Retrieved from,,0,5507117.story, on October 30, 2012 Richardson, K., Thompson, K. M. (2008). Drinking and Driving. Journal of College Student Development Volume 49, Number 5, pp. 497-508 10. Doi:353/csd.0.0034 Traffic safety facts. In (2009). (p. 6). DC: US Department of Transpotation. Retrieved from, .pdf, on October 30, 2012 Walters, S. (2009). First drunken driving offense shouldn’t be crime, says Van Hollen. (p. 1). Wisconsin: Journal Sentinel Inc. Retrieved from,, on October 30, 2012

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Aesthetics – Emotionalism ART – 170-N Indiana Wesleyan University April 13, 2013 Abstract I have read and understand the plagiarism policy as outlined in the syllabus and the sections in the Student Bulletin relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.Aesthetics – Emotionalism When it comes to art work there are several different theories of understanding and interpreting art work. The best way this author understands art work and appreciates art work is through emotionalism. The theory of emotionalism is defined as, â€Å"the most important element about a work of art is its vivid communication of moods, f eelings, and ideas† (Indiana Wesleyan University Syllabus, 2013). For art work to speak to this author there must be vivid feelings, an obvious mood displayed, or an idea of understanding.While there are several pieces of art throughout the textbook, Gardner’s Art through the Ages, there are three that really show why this author appreciates art work with emotionalism shown. These three pieces of art will show why emotionalism is something to be appreciated in art work. The first piece of art that depicts emotionalism is, the portrait of Caracalla, ca 211-217 CE, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, p. 114 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 114). To this author the portrait depicts emotion or feelings. If one was to look at this piece one might think that this person was angered or in fear of someone or something.A piece of art that makes one think, what is going on or what is on this person’s mind, is a piece of art that this author really appreciates. Emotionalism art work is art work that makes the viewer look for feelings in which this piece does. This author believes that the portrait of Caracalla is a great example of the theory of emotionalism, and could easily be described as to why. The next example of emotionalism found in the text book is, A Harvest of Death, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, New York Public Library, New York, p. 360 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 360).The art work is a picture of a field with dead soldiers lying all over. This art work depicts all of the vivid communication found in emotionalism. With moods, in this art work, one might feel sad or happy (depending on what side you are on). With feelings one could feel anger or sadness from the loss. Or one could feel overwhelmed and not sure what to do. The emotion of feeling is endless in this piece as it would depend on what side one is looking at this piece. The final emotion is ideas. With ideas in this piece, one might think that this side lost or could draw quick conclusions by the death to tal.This piece of art prompts a lot of ideas that could quickly draw one to the piece. The title alone would lead one to draw ideas on what has happened. This author feels that this piece of art work is another great piece that show emotionalism. The final piece of art that this author feels that best shows emotionalism is, Max Beckmann, Night, 1918-1919 Kunstsammlung Noedrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, p. 400 (Kleiner, 2010, p. 400). This piece of art displays the feelings of the artist as to portray what he believed was the brutality of the 20th century. The art work shows disfigured people being pulled, stretched, and twisted.This art work gives the idea that society is harsh and people are being torn apart trying to survive. Again, this is another great example of emotionalism, because the people in the art work show feeling and moods. This art work could easily be described as a display of emotion. This could also be described as art work to show the hectic change of event brought on by the new society’s expectations. This work by Max Beckmann is a great piece to explain emotionalism at the theory behind it. As one can see there are several ways to emphasize emotionalism.These three pieces of art work that this author has chosen, will show you the ideas behind the theory and how to depict each idea. There are many ways to see and understand emotionalism in art work. These three examples are just a few that will help one better understand what emotionalism is and how to find it in art. This author hopes that his examples were found to be helpful in gaining a better understanding behind his chosen theory and would encourage one to explore emotionalism in art. References Kleiner, F. S. (2010). Gardner’s Art through the Ages (2nd ed. ). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Relational Databases

CHAPTER 4 RELATIONAL DATABASES SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS4. 1 Contrast the logical and the physical view of data and discuss why separate views are necessary in database applications. Describe which perspective is most useful for each of the following employees: a programmer, a manager, and an internal auditor. How will understanding logical data structures assist you when designing and using database systems?4. 2 Databases are possible because of their database management system (DBMS). As shown in Figure 4. 2, the DBMS is a software program that sits between the actual data stored in the system and the application programs that use the data. As shown in Figure 4. 4, this allows users to separate the way they view the data (called the logical view) from the way the data is actually stored (the physical view). The DBMS interprets the users' requests and retrieves, manipulates, or stores the data as needed. The two distinct views separate the applications from the physi cal information, providing increased flexibility in applications, improved data security, and ease of use.In a database system, the manager will rarely need to understand or be familiar with the physical view of the data. Nor, in most instances, will the internal auditor and the programmer as most everything they do involves the logical view of the data. If accountants understand logical data structures and the logical view of the data, they are better able to manage, use, and audit a database and its data. 4. 2 The relational data model represents data as being stored in tables. Spreadsheets are another tool that accountants use to employ a tabular representation of data.What are some similarities and differences in the way these tools use tables? How might an accountant’s familiarity with the tabular representation of spreadsheets facilitate or hinder learning how to use a relational DBMS? A major difference between spreadsheets and databases is that spreadsheets are design ed primarily to handle numeric data, whereas databases can handle both text and numbers. Consequently, the query and sorting capabilities of spreadsheets are much more limited than what can be accomplished with a DBMS that has a good query language.Accountants’ familiarity with spreadsheets might hinder their ability to design and use relational DBMS because many links in spreadsheets are preprogrammed and designed in, whereas a well-designed relational database is designed to facilitate ad-hoc queries. Accountants’ familiarity with spreadsheets sometimes leads them to use a spreadsheet for a task that a database could handle much better. Over the years, the Journal of Accountancy has published a number of very good articles on how to use databases and when to use databases and when to use spreadsheets. These articles can be found on the Journal’s website: http://www. ournalofaccountancy. com/4. 3 Some people believe database technology may eliminate the need fo r double-entry accounting. This creates three possibilities: (1) the double-entry model will be abandoned; (2) the double-entry model will not be used directly, but an external-level schema based on the double-entry model will be defined for accountants’ use; or (3) the double-entry model will be retained in database systems. Which alternative do you think is most likely to occur? Why? There is no correct answer to this question because it is asking the student to express his opinion on what will happen in the future.Therefore, the quality of his answer depends on the justifications provided. Good answers should address the following:Database technology does permit abandonment of double entry, but there will likely be great resistance to such a radical change. Thus, students choosing this option need to present reasons why they think such a radical change would succeed.The use of a schema for accountants seems quite plausible. It does eliminate the redundancy of double entry from the database system, yet it still provides a framework familiar and useful to accountants and financial analysts.There is a good possibility that double entry will remain, even in databases, due to inertia. Indeed, many modern AIS, such as ERP systems, use databases but also retain the principles of double entry.4. 4 Relational DBMS query languages provide easy access to information about the organization’s activities. Does this mean that online, real-time processing should be used for all transactions? Does an organization need real-time financial reports? Why or why not? ;lt;/para;gt;;lt;/question;gt;;lt;/general-problem;gt;;lt;/problemset;gt; On-line real-time processing is not necessary for every business transaction.For example, batch processing is adequate for payroll: there is little need for the data to be current except on payday. Real-time financial statements are useful for planning and provide management with better ability to react to changes in the environm ent. Nevertheless, real-time financial statements may present distorted pictures of reality if accruals have been ignored or not properly recognized.4. 5 Why is it so important to have good data? Bad data costs businesses over $600 billion a year. Some people estimate that over 25% of business data is inaccurate or incomplete. In addition, incorrect database data can lead to bad decisions, embarrassment, and angry users. The text illustrated this with the following examples: For quite some time, a company sent half its catalogs to incorrect addresses. A manager finally investigated the large volume of returns and customer complaints and corrected the customer addresses in the database.He saved the company $12 million a year. Valparaiso, Indiana used the county database to develop its tax rates. After mailing the tax notices, it was discovered that a $121,900 home was valued at $400 million. Due to the $3. 1 million property tax revenue shortfall, the city, the school district, and g overnmental agencies had to make severe budget cuts.   Managing data is not going to get any easier as the quantity of data generated and stored doubles every 18 months.4.6 What is a data dictionary, what does it contain, and how is it used? contains information about the structure of the database. Table 4-1 shows that there is a record in the dictionary describing each data element. The DBMS maintains the data dictionary, whose inputs include new or deleted data elements and changes in data element names, descriptions, or uses.Outputs include reports for programmers, designers, and users. These reports are used for system documentation, database design and implementation, and as part of the audit trail.4. 7   Compare and contrast the file-oriented approach and the database approach. Explain the main advantages of database systems. Information about the attributes of a customer, such as name and address, are stored in fields. Fields contain data about one entity (e. g. , one cus tomer). Multiple fields form a record. A set of related records, such as all customer records, forms a file (e. g. , the customer file).A set of interrelated, centrally coordinated files forms a database. illustrates the differences between file-oriented and database systems. In the database approach, data is an organizational resource that is used by and managed for the entire organization, not just the originating department. A database management system (DBMS) is the interface between the database and the various application programs.The database, the DBMS, and the application programs that access the database through the DBMS are referred to as the Database systems were developed to address the proliferation of master files. This proliferation created problems such as the same data stored in two or more master files. This made it difficult to integrate and update data and to obtain an organization-wide view of data.LimitAccount Balance| 4. 2Most DBMS packages contain data defini tion, data manipulation, and data query languages. For each of the following, indicate which language would be used and why. 1. A database administrator defines the logical structure of the database The DDL – this is the language used to define the database. b. The controller requests a cost accounting report containing a list of all employees being paid for more than 10 hours overtime in a given week. The DQL – this is an example of a query. c. A programmer develops a program to update the fixed-assets records stored in the database.The DML – this is the language used to actually process transaction data and update the database. d. The human resources manager requests a report noting all employees who are retiring within five years. The DQL – another example of a task that involves querying the database. e. The inventory serial number field is extended in the inventory records to allow for recognition of additional inventory items with serial numbers con taining more than 10 digits. The DDL and the DML – the former to alter the structure, the latter to make the change. f. A user develops a program to print out all purchases made during the past two weeks.The DQL – this listing can be produced by a query. g. An additional field is added to the fixed-asset records to record the estimated salvage value of each asset. The DDL and the DML – the former to add the field, the latter to enter data in it. 4. 3Ashton wants to store the following data about S;amp;S’s purchases of inventory: item numberdate of purchase vendor numbervendor address vendor namepurchase price quantity purchasedemployee number employee namepurchase order number descriptionquantity on hand extended amounttotal amount of purchase a. Design a set of relational tables to store this data.Do all of the data items need to be stored in a table? If not, which ones do not need to be stored and why do they not need to be stored? b. Identify the prima ry key for each table. c. Identify the foreign keys needed in the tables to implement referential integrity. Table Name| Primary Key| Foreign Keys| Other Attributes| Inventory| Item Number| | DescriptionQuantity on Hand| Purchases| Purchase order number| Vendor numberPurchasing Agent (employee number)| Date of purchaseTotal amount of purchase| Purchases-Inventory| Item numberPurchase order number| |Quantity purchasedUnit cost (actual)Extended amount| Vendor| Vendor number| | Vendor nameVendor address| Employees | Employee number | | Employee name| Extended amount and Total amount of purchase do not have to be stored in the database as they can be calculated from other values. Extended amount is Quantity purchased x Unit cost. Total amount of purchase is the sum of all the extended amounts for all items on a particular purchase order, d. Implement your tables using any relational database product to which you have access.Test your specification by entering sample data in each table. f. Create a few queries to retrieve or analyze the data you stored. There is no solution to parts d through f as students will select different software packages and come up with different queries. 4. 4Retrieve the S;amp;S In-Chapter Database (in Microsoft Access format) from the text’s Web site (or create the tables in a relational DBMS product).NOTE: In order to get a list of lenders without duplicates the property sheet of the query needs to be modified by setting the value of the Unique Values property to Yes. This can be seen in the screenshot below. The property sheet is found under the Design tab of the ribbon. Setting Unique Values to Yes is the equivalent of entering the DISTINCT keyword in SQL select statements. Query Result f. Which borrower requested the largest mortgage? Query Notice that in the Design section on the ribbon, you must set the Return value to 1 (located in the Query Setup group).This indicates to Access to only return the top result. See the image below for a screenshot of this. Query Result g. Which borrower requested the smallest mortgage? Query Query Result As with problem 4-10-f, you must set the Return value to 1 in the Design section of the ribbon (located in the Query Setup group). This indicates to Access to only return the top result. See the image below for a screenshot of this. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO THE CASES 4. 1As in all areas of information technology, DBMSs are constantly

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 30

Though Damon wanted to die alone, I had unfinished business to attend to. I made my way from the quarry and began to walk back to the estate. The woods smelled like smoke, and the leaves were starting to turn. They crunched under the worn boots I had on my feet, and I remembered all the times Damon and I had played hide-and-seek as children. I wondered if he had any regrets, or if he felt as empty as I did. I wondered if we'd see each other in Heaven, being as we were. I walked toward the house. The carriage house was charred and burned, its beams exposed like a skeleton. Several of the statues around the labyrinth were broken, and torches and debris littered the once-lush lawn. But the porch light at the main house was on, and a buggy stood at attention beneath the portico. I walked around the back and heard voices coming from the porch. Immediately, I dove under the hedges. Hidden by the leaves, I crawled on my hands and knees against the wall until I came to the bay window that looked into the porch. Peering in, I made out the shadow of my father. A single candle cast weak beams of light around the room, and I noticed that Alfred wasn't in his normal spot sitting at the door, ready to instantly greet guests. I wondered if any of the servants had been killed. â€Å"More brandy, Jonathan? Laced with vervain. Not that we need to worry anymore,† Father said, his words floating out the door. â€Å"Thank you, Giuseppe. And thank you for having me here. I realize you have much on your mind,† answered Jonathan somberly, as he accepted the tumbler. I saw the concern etched on Jonathan's face, and my heart went out to him for the terrible truth he'd had to learn about Pearl. â€Å"Y Thank you,† Father said, waving off the es. thought. â€Å"But it's important that we end this sad chapter of our town's history. It is the one thing I want to do for my sons. After all, I do not want the Salvatore legacy to be that of demon sympathizers.† Father cleared his throat. â€Å"So the battle of Willow Creek happened when a group of Union insurgents mounted an attack on the Confederate camp,† he began in his sonorous baritone voice, as if telling a story. â€Å"And Stefan and Damon hid out in the woods to see if they could find any rogue soldiers, and at that point †¦,† Jonathan continued. â€Å"At that point they were tragically killed, just like the twenty-three other civilians who died for their country and their beliefs. It was a Confederate victory, but it came at the cost of innocent lives,† Father said, raising his voice as if to make himself believe the story he was weaving. â€Å"Y And I'll speak with the Hagertys about es. creating a monument. Something to acknowledge this terrible period in our town's history,† Jonathan murmured. I raised myself up on my knees, peeking through a spot at the corner of the window. I saw Father nodding in satisfaction, and cold seeped through my veins. So this was the legacy of my death–that I was killed by a band of degenerate soldiers. Now I knew I needed to speak to Father more than ever. He needed to hear the whole truth, to know that Damon and I weren't sympathizers, to know that the problem could have been cured without so much bloodshed and violence. â€Å"But Giuseppe †¦ ?† Jonathan asked, taking a long drink from his tumbler. â€Å"Y Jonathan?† es, â€Å"It is a triumphant moment in our town's history. The vampires are destroyed, and their bodies will turn to dust. We rid the town of the scourge, and thanks to the burning of the church, it will never come back. There were hard choices and heroism, but we won. That is your legacy,† Jonathan said as he slammed his ledger closed with a definitive thump. Father nodded and drained his own tumbler, then stood up. â€Å"Thank you,† he said, holding out his hand. I watched as the two men shook hands, then watched as Jonathan disappeared into the shadows of the house. A moment later, I heard his carriage being hitched and the horses riding away. I crawled to the edge of the hedgerow. I stood up, my knees creaking, and walked through the door and into the house that was once mine.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Engineering Products Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Engineering Products Case Study - Essay Example 443-444). 1. EP is a British engineering firm. It is a first-tier supplier mainly of automotive components, with production and sales divisions located in the UK, Continental Europe (mainly France, Germany and Spain), North America, and other parts of the world. More than two-thirds of its workforce is in Continental Europe, which also accounts for nearly half of worldwide sales. 2. Customers, which comprise the multinational final produces for cards, demand a standardized product and have sought to standardise their methods of production through the sharing of â€Å"best practices†. 4. While generally the local company supplies local customers, Headquarters has taken a greater role in making decisions about sourcing, even entailing moving production from one country to another. The movement involves not only volumes but also manufacturing processes, thus encouraging greater coordination of manufacturing processes among the local companies. a. A performance-related-pay (PRP) package was implemented among the division’s plants, but local circumstances such that there were inequities in the measures of performance, the proportion of the workforce covered and the amount of their pay subject to performance measures; and c. International integration heightened internal competition among plants. One advantage is that afforded upward mobility to managers from all countries, and has abolished limits for promotions to within particular countries. However, it also engendered coercive comparisons among plants, reducing the bargaining power of employees, at times with the specific threat of closure. Environments and Operations (2004, p. 452), centralization for decision making and, thus, standardization, is determined by the pressure for global integration as against the pressure for responsiveness to local conditions. EP manufactures mainly

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Creation vs Evolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creation vs Evolution - Research Paper Example Ultimately, even those in State of Kansas which has decided to teach both, all of society will accept that there is no debate but it will likely be a long time in coming because society itself evolves very slowly. The teaching of creation in public schools simply fulfills the purpose of protecting specific underling religious beliefs. If creation is to be taught, it is solely the responsibility of parents and the church because teaching the religious theories of creation in schools not only violates constitutional precepts. This issue invokes intense passions from those driven by their religious faith and those who would stand up for the Constitution and those that gave the lives of their loved ones to protect it. The First Amendment begins with â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"The Constitution†) The idea of creation is undeniably religious doctrine. The government, therefore, cannot promote it in classrooms as science without infringing on the First Amendment. The Supreme Court has held that instructors may not teach that humans were created by God and must present only scientific e xplanations for the history of life. Creationism can not be presented as scientific fact. In addition, it is also unconstitutional to compel teachers to teach creationism and schools may not refuse to teach evolution in an effort to avoid offending religious individuals. The idea of disclaimers placed in school books such as ‘the teaching of evolution is not intended to influence or dissuade the Biblical version of Creation or any other concept’ has been lawfully established to be unconstitutional (â€Å"Freiler†, 2000). An instructor also has the constructional right to teach evolution (â€Å"Epperson v. Arkansas†, 1968). Religious theories of creation may be incorporated into school

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bilingual Education - Does bilingual education only go to further the Research Paper

Bilingual Education - Does bilingual education only go to further the isolation of ESL students - Research Paper Example However, teaching and use of English was faced some challenges since English is not the first language of everybody across the world. Hence, bilingual education, programs that provide support to students with limited English proficiency was introduced. Some of these programs teach academic subjects in the student’s home language while also requiring language-minority students to take classes English as a second language (ESL). Other programs aim at teaching English to language-minority students by immersing them in English-only classes. It is believed that ESL students have been isolated from those who English is their first language. Consequently, this has led to the question on whether bilingual education only go to further the isolation of ESL students. This paper is therefore aimed at determining whether bilingual education only go to further the isolation of ESL students or not. Bilingual education refers to the programs that offer support to students with limited English proficiency. Students are taught in their home language in these programs while also needing language-minority students to take classes in English as a second language (ESL). Other programs aim at teaching English to language-minority students by immersing them in English only classes. Others are dual-language programs that aim for fluency in two languages such as English and Spanish. These main approaches have numerous variations and their combination might be used by districts and schools (Ramà ­rez et al., 1991). Hence, when people argue about effectiveness or ineffectiveness of bilingual education, they could be discussing various forms of bilingual education. Nevertheless, in public debate, bilingual education normally refers to transition bilingual education which offers native-language instruction to non-English-speaking learners in their preparation of their ultimate learning of E nglish in mainstream

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Yengishiki(Shintoism) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Yengishiki(Shintoism) - Essay Example The prayers are used in the text to reflect the intertwinement of the spiritual nature and feelings of the Shinto people. In fact, the text begins by a prayer, â€Å"I declare in the presence of the sovereign gods of the Harvest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"The Yengishiki† par. 1). The article reveals that in Shinto culture, there is no absolute right or wrong and nobody is perfect. The article also shows that Shinto is not a pessimistic faith as they view human beings to be fundamentally good and that evils are caused by evil spirits. From the article, it can also be seen that the main purpose of the majority of rituals used in the text is to keep evil spirits at bay through prayers, purification, and offerings to Kami, their ancestor. The Harvest Rituals The harvest rituals are basically a form of religious rituals of the ancient culture of the Shinto people. The harvest rituals were performed by the Shintos as a way of thanking the gods for enabling them to have a bounty harvest. The culture of the Shinto required that a harvest ritual be celebrated on the fourth day of the second month every year at the office, where people would gather and worship the gods of Shintos. This was also expected to be practices down at the local administrative provinces by chiefs. The text, however, does not reveal who exactly the harvest gods were; instead, they are only specified as Kojiki. It appears that it is a common practice among the Shintos to offer the first fruits obtained from harvest to Kojiki (â€Å"The Yengishiki† par. 1). The Ritual for the Wind-Gods The ritual for the wind gods is a form of ritual which was performed by the Shinto people by giving offerings to their god to stop the bad winds and rough waters from destroying their properties and belongings. The rituals are performed alongside prayers declared before the wind god, whom they believe to fulfill his praises at Tatsuta. Unlike in the Harvest ritual, where the first fruits are sacrificed to the gods, here it is five sorts of grains, herbs, and leaves that are offered. Other things offered during the ritual include clothing of all sorts: bright, glittering, soft and coarse (â€Å"The Yengishiki† par. 2). Fire Rituals The fire rituals, according to the Shintos, are performed to the gods for purification purposes. They believe that once someone has done wrong, he is supposed to undergo purification before he can be allowed to fit into the society. This is mainly done with the help of the priest as people praise the god at a designated place. The different forms of offerings given include cloths which are bright, soft, and rough as well as other five different things, mainly aquatic things (â€Å"The Yengishiki† par. 7). The Ritual for Evil Spirits Shintos believe that evils are the works of the evil spirits. They also believe that diseases and catastrophes are caused by the evil spirit. Therefore, when such happens, a special ritual known as the ritual for the evil spirit is to be performed by giving offerings to the gods so as to chase the evil spirits away from the society. Different forms of offerings were given to gods such as cloths, beer, swords, a horse, and both sweet and bitter herbs, among items (â€Å"The Yengishiki† par. 10). The Road-Gods' Ritual This form of ritual is mainly performed in the presence of the priest who recites a prayer to the gods as an

Monday, September 9, 2019

Coronary Artery Disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Coronary Artery Disease - Research Paper Example It is established that LDL or Low-density lipoproteins are chiefly atherogenic in nature. On the other hand high-density lipoproteins or HDLs are defensive lipids as they aid in LDL metabolism. On oxidation LDLs become tougher to metabolize and become cytotoxic leading to endothelial injury (Pollard, 2009). Chronic Endothelial injury Hypothesis- Endothelium protection and its repair is performed by glycosaminoglycan or GAGs, when GAGs become weak, atherosclerosis is instigated. The process is promoted due to exposure of endothelial cells and free-radical damage. As damage of endothelial lining is initiated the site promotes the permeability of plasma constituents especially the lipoproteins. Thus oxidized LDLs are capable of damaging the endothelial lining of the cells which results in the formation of plaque (Stephen, 2011). When the endothelial cells are injured, the macrophages present in the blood move around from the blood circulation. The inner side of the artery forms a layer called layer of intima. Consequently, smooth muscles join intima along with connective tissue as well as lipids present inside as well as outside the cells to generate a plaque. This brings about union as well as accumulation of platelets, as well as release various growth regulating factors to amplify the procedure ensuing obstruction of the lumen of the artery, leading to thrombus establishment (Mottillo, 2010). Mottillo, S., Filion, K. B., Genest, J., Joseph, L., Pilote, L., Poirier, P., Rinfret, S., Schiffrin, E. L., Eisenberg, M. J. (2010). The Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 56(14), 1113- 1132. Stephen D. Wiviott, Marcus D. Flather, Michelle L. ODonoghue, Shinya Goto, Desmond J. Fitzgerald, Fernando Cura, Philip Aylward, Victor Guetta, Dariusz Dudek, Charles F. Contant, Dominick J. Angiolillo, Deepak L. Bhatt.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ethics issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics issues - Essay Example The development of financing interests for the project began in the 1920s by governments and businesses. The first design for the project was developed by Joseph Strauss and David Steinman who presented a suspended bridge. Due to suspicions that Steinman was not capable of raising sufficient money for the project, the chamber of commerce in Tacoma resorted to terminating its contract in the year 1931. Fresh interests however developed in 1937 with the creation of the Washington State Toll Bridge Authority by Washington State. Using the revenue from the tolls of the bridge, the authority conducted a practicability study. In the end it became clear that the design and construction of the bridge was not possible through the toll revenue finances alone. Another interested body in the building of the bridge was the United States military. The military required a route to directly link the Bremerton’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to Army’s McChord Field and Fort Lewis on the si de of Tacoma. The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was on the Pierce County of the Narrows (Board of Engineers Appointed to Report on the Failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Othmar Hermann Ammann 143). It was also in the interest of the federal agencies to create more job opportunities amidst the Great Depression. This set up the political and economic forces that later on contributed to the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. ... Deep truss girders that were 25 feet supported the roadway to stiffen it. Therefore, the Eldridge design was submitted to the Federal Public Works Administration (PWA) by the Authority. The requested fee was $ 11 million. This prompted Leon Moisseiff, a renowned New York to submit a proposal to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) and PWA for the design of $8 million Bridge. As compared to other initial projects, this implied a huge and significant savings. The costs saved came as a result of the 25-feet deep roadway through the replacement done by Moisseiff. These supported the truss girders with that had a depth of 8-feet. This design was not only slender and elegant but also reduced the bridge’s stiffness (Cronn-mills 11). The bridge’s cost savings and the reputation of Moisseff together slender and beauty of the design led to awarding of the contract to Moisseff and the engineering firm that was associated with him. The engineering firm was called the Moran & Proctor. Apparently, this engineering firm was favored instead of Washington Department of Highways and Eldridge. By the month of June 1938, PWA had permitted $6 million for the project. The remaining cost was paid with proceeds from the toll revenue. By the end of the project, a total of $6.4 million had been spent on it. It took 19 months to complete the project that began in September 1938. Characterized by the major span of 2800 feet, this became the third highest bridge on suspension. In July 1940, the bridge was opened. However, it collapsed in November of the same year (Scott 273). Sequence of Events The Moiseiff design began with the theoretical underpinning that was published in a 1933 paper with the help of Fred Liehard. The Moisseiff